# I'm Thom, a software engineer since 2016. I actually love this job?
# Likes programming, hardware, music, gaming, working out, dieting, people.
# Dislikes loud noises, lack of internet connection, rude people and, above all, BAD FOOD.
# Stack backend; did some frontend, it's nice but I grew out of it.
# Skills go*, PostgreSQL*, TypeScript, Bash*, API design, microservices, github actions, etc... (* means I'm proud of it).
# Work remote; with occasional in-person events for team building/important meetings (plus drinks AND FOOD).
# been working in the US market since 2020 and interested in continuing/growing.
# [email protected]; github.com/tcodes0.
# Misc I live on an island in southern Brazil. It's windy, warm and very humid! GMT -3.
# archlinux and mac user; interested in a framework laptop.
# into healthy eating/living and working out 4x a week, all science based.
# if not an owner of an OLED display, treat yourself to one, it's worth it!
# Food italian is my favorite; lately having french cuisine by a brazilian chef and feeling SPOILED.
# adore sushi; and asian spicy food. BBQ of course, medium rare.
# used to be more of a sweet tooth but dieted out of it. #1 - ice cream and anything with ice cream in it.
# thanks for visiting.
# please have some sushi and ice cream on the house.
@#%%%@@%#%#%@@@###%#@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@%**+-++=======---=======---=**=+%%%%%##%@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ascii sushi generated by me
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::++***+****+++#%%#*++*%%*+%##%@@@%##=-*=::::::::::::::ascii ice cream generated by me
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